Working from home is an excellent option for people who want to be with their families and still earn a living. When you work from home you can usually build a lot of flexibility into your schedule so that you can attend school functions for your children, care for sick family members, and tend to your household responsibilities . . . .
Did you know there are Tax Deductions for Volunteer Work?
You can deduct your expenses related to volunteer work. One year when filing my taxes, I used Taxcut rather than one of the free tools I mentioned to get free state tax filing. I should have taken my own advice . . . .
15 ways to have a Fun and Cheap Family Night
When is the best day to have a family fun night? I believe that it is always a good day to gather the family. For me, being with family can build lasting memories and time honored traditions. And, there is no better way to enjoy time with loved ones than by having a fun family […]
12 Things You Should Stop Doing That Are Stealing Your Joy
Sometimes we’re unhappy, but we don’t know exactly why. Even if our lives seem to be happy and successful on the outside, we may not feel that way deep inside. If you feel that way, it’s likely that there are some things you should stop doing that are stealing your joy. Here are several of them . . . .
15 Healthy Slow Cooker Meals for under $10
Fall is the perfect time to break out the slow cooker. I love that my family and I can still have healthy, home cooked meals for dinner, without the fuss and cleanup of actually preparing a huge meal every night. Slow cookers are the perfect tool for a busy family and can help you save […]
25+ DIY gift ideas for under $10
With the approach of Christmas, I’m trying to find ways to gift those in my life while not spending too much. Let’s face it, one can go broke this time of year! We focus on the gift, not the meaning behind it… or, at least I have been guilty of this. Do our loved ones […]
7 Things Every Christian Should Do Every Day
As Christians, we never want to get into the legalistic practice of creating “to do lists” that we must follow in order to define ourselves as believers. But at the same time, there certain things every Christian should do every day in order to stay in faith. “But be doers of the word, and not […]
3 Ways to Find Gifts for Difficult-To-Shop-For Friends and Family
How many of you would agree with this statement: I like to give people gifts, but figuring out the right gift is tough. Every time a birthday, anniversary, or Christmas comes around, I find myself scrambling to figure out which gift is best for each person. The last thing I want to do is give a gift that ends up in the closet unused or still in the package next year.