These are my favorite creative ways to say thank you… A lot of respect can be earned or lost by our ability to say thanks. It may not be the way it should be, but some people really take offense if they don’t receive a thank you card within 30 days of sending a wedding gift. And have you ever held the door for someone who didn’t even acknowledge your presence, much less say, “thanks”?
Self Improvement Ideas
Get-Rich-Quick: Does it EVER Work?
Back in college I interviewed a man in New York City who worked for a small company that promoted get-rich-quick schemes. Now””this is important””in his line or work, they don’t refer to their “products” as get-rich-quick schemes, but by some other more socially acceptable handle that escapes me at the moment. No matter, he gave me a wealth of information and insight into the world of get-rich-quick.
Words of Encouragement For Tough Times:
As America experiences foreclosures galore, coupled with extended periods of high unemployment and ever increasing bankruptcies, our individual and corporate challenge is this: “How do you handle tough times?” The above quiz is only a snippet of how, throughout history, trials have catapulted people into greatness…
Are You a Tigger, an Eeyore, or a Pooh?
Winnie Pooh creator A. A. Milne had great insights into human behavior, as demonstrated in his characters Tigger, Eeyore, and Winnie the Pooh. We all know real life Tiggers, Eeyores and Poohs. In fact, most of us can see some of these three in our own lives. Because our personalities often determine how we…
A Big Money/Life Lesson from Wal-Mart’s Sam Walton
Recently I came across an article about Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart. It was a very interesting read and I found some things I never knew. After doing a little further digging about Wal-Mart I found an article quoting George Will, who had this to say about the company…
Be A Blessing | 10 Creative Ways To Give
I am a missionary, and my family is supported by the generous contributions given to our ministry. When you’re fundraising, it is nice to know some generous Christians with the means to give. That is why I was touched when I read the following words:“When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices; when the wicked…
The 10 most common new year’s resolutions – is yours on here?
I did some researching to find out the 10 most common new year resolutions – these are them! I am not much of a supporter of new year resolutions, I don’t like waiting around for a specific date to make positive life changes. That said, I guess some people don’t really think about making positive life changes until the new year rolls around…
Being owed money & striving to pass the test
I once heard someone say, “challenges are just wonderfully disguised opportunities for growth.” I really do believe it to be true. Just like a strong physical body requires exercises that push it beyond what is comfortable, so a strong character requires challenges that aren’t comfortable. My newest challenge is that an advertiser owes me a […]