I recently sat down with Chuck Bentley, CEO of Crown Financial, to chat and he shared some great advice on marriage and finances. You can watch the video or read the full transcription below. Bob Lotich: Hey everybody, I am excited today because I have Chuck Bentley here, the CEO of Crown Financial, which is […]
3 Keys to Making REAL Money (that Few Are Doing)
There are three keys to making money in the 21st century. 50 years ago—even 20 years ago—you could get by with one or two of these keys, but things are different now. Elsewhere on SeedTime, we have articles on how to find at-home jobs, side hustles, and other kinds of jobs that are great if […]
How to feed the entire world from just one apple (in 28 years)
Einstein was wrong. It’s a rare day when I get to point out that Einstein was wrong about something, but here we go. Einstein is often quoted as saying: “The power of compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe.” Albert Einstein And he wasn’t just wrong with the obvious rebuttal that God […]
Should You Invest When You’re in Debt?
This question came from a reader the other day. He said: “I just watched your recent investing videos. What are your thoughts about investing while in debt? We’ve been going crazy paying off our debt, which has been great, but then I see other things that make me wonder if I’m missing out on some […]
A free savings goal calculator
I’ll be honest. I get contacted multiple times a day from various companies wanting to advertise on SeedTime or wanting us to promote “their thing”. And 99.9% of them get the delete button. Not all of them are bad (though many are), but I only work with advertisers that have products that I am actually […]
How we saved 75% off our vacation this year
I wrote this article article a few years ago, but it has been updated for 2019. This February I took off for what we called a bit of a sabbatical rather than a vacation. But either way, it was great. We rented a condo on the beach and it was SO much cheaper than the […]
Prayer for finances (Printable PDF)
At many times over the years I have found myself in a challenging financial position and found myself praying for finances. While much of what I write about on this site are practical tips to improve your finances, the truth is that when you need a financial breakthrough, there really is no better move than […]
Was Jesus a tightwad?
It seems that many Americans think the defining indicator of financial security is your lack of concern for waste. You can see it all over our culture with movie stars spending $30,000 on a designer handbag to carry their dogs in, or in the rock-n-roll lifestyle where music videos clearly portray the idea that,”money is no object,” often times in a competition of who can have the most gold chains or throw the most cash in the air.