(The following is an abbreviated transcription from a video Linda and I recorded with Jordan Grumet. Please excuse any typos or errors.) Jordan Grumet (our new Jewish friend) is an MD (hospice doctor), host of the award-winning podcast Earn and Invest and an author. His new book is called Taking Stock: A Hospice Doctor’s Advice […]
Making money FUN with Annie F Downs
(The following is an abbreviated transcription from a video Linda and I recorded with Annie F. Downs. Please excuse any typos or errors.) We are excited to have the opportunity to sit down with Annie F. Downs. Linda and I got to talk with Annie about her amazing new book Chase The Fun. For anybody […]
Our quarterly planning day for our business (checklist & our exact process)
(The following is an abbreviated transcription from a video Linda and I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors.) For the last few years I have been having a quarterly planning day for our business. And, it has been amazing for the business. The first thing I do is to step out of the office. […]
‘Preachers N Sneakers’ Ben Kirby on balancing wanting more and contentment (that I struggle with)
(The following is an abbreviated transcription from a video I recorded with Ben Kirby. Please excuse any typos or errors.) When it comes to finances and faith, it can be a very touchy subject. The world can influence us and we take too much credit for ourselves. Or, we can put too much trust into […]
Derrick Kinney and money attitudes holding you back
(The following is an abbreviated transcription from a video I recorded with Derrick Kinney. Please excuse any typos or errors.) Do you have any money attitudes holding you back in life? You just may. But, we can always change our attitude and breakthrough. Derrick Kinney wrote a really cool book that I’m really excited about. […]
Stop believing the lies people tell you about yourself
(The following is an abbreviated transcription from a video Linda and I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors.) I think a lot of us believe lies that we’re told growing up. By friends, inadvertently. I think by family accidentally. Even jokes that are made. There’s so many different things that shape our beliefs about ourselves. And […]
Jordan Raynor on creativity and God
(The following is an abbreviated transcription from a video I recorded with Jordan Raynor. Please excuse any typos or errors.) Jordan Raynor is a serial entrepreneur best-selling author, and he wrote this book on creativity and God that I’m excited to read to my kids. It’s a really cool book because as most parents know, […]
How we take a 1 month sabbatical every year
We received a question from a reader about our yearly month-long sabbatical. Robin reached out and asked us this question: “I love the idea of a sabbatical. I’m so happy that we can take one. But you’d love to hear a podcast on how to do that with younger kiddos at home. And then other […]