Are You Doing Something Wrong if You Aren’t Financially Blessed?
I tend to get variations of this question quite often. So, that’s the question we are tackling today.
I promise you, this topic is just the tip of the iceberg of what we”re about to unfold.
Whether you”re looking to build wealth, find contentment, or understand the season you”re in, this is an episode you don’t want to miss.
Let”s embark on this journey together and remember – we’re all in this crazy thing called life together. Hit play and let”s get this party started!
Are you blessed financially?
Bob: So, if you aren’t blessed financially, does it mean you’re doing something wrong?
Linda: That was a great question.
Bob: That was a really good question. How’s everybody doing today? Hope you’re doing great. We’re excited to chat about this.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: Cause this is a question I feel like I get, or some variation of it quite often.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: I think it’s easy to look at other people and be like, man, they have everything going right. Or we all have those people around us where it’s like…
Linda: Well, yeah, just today we were talking about a friend. And I, I told Bob something that they had confided in us that is really big going on in their lives.
And Bob said, man, it’s just shocking how many people that you look at them and you think, man, they’ve kind of got life figured out. And yet they’re walking through really difficult things.
Bob: Yeah.
Linda: You know, it’s just proof that nobody is immune from it.
Social media mirage
Bob: Yeah. Cuz social media, uh…
Linda: Seriously.
Bob: Isn’t the best outlet for that it seems. And so, um.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: So, yeah. So there’s all kinds of people who look like they have it together, who are going through significant things.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: And social media, I think really amplifies what we’re talking about here. Where it’s like, everybody else is blessed financially. Everybody else is crushing it, and I’m not so, what am I doing wrong?
Linda: Well, you only wanna show your highlight reel. You don’t wanna get on there every day and just be negative Nancy complaining about everything going wrong. You know?
Bob: Negative Nancy.
Linda: Yeah. Or what was the other thing? Belligerent Bob. Isn’t that what you said the other day?
Bob: That’s the one I named myself. My, when I’m in a bad mood, it’s belligerent Bob. Have we come up with one for you yet?
Linda: I’m perfect. Lovely Linda.
Bob: I’m afraid to call you a name when you’re in that mood, so it’ll just be lovely Linda.
Linda: Oh man. If anybody comes up with a good one, let us know. They might be afraid also.
Bob: Throw it in the comments if you come up with a good one.
Linda: Oh my gosh. Anyway.
Bob: Yeah. So anyway, glad you’re here.
Linda: Yes.
Count your blessings
Bob: Excited to kind of chat about this a little bit. Um, and so there’s a few different things, a few different angles I think to think about when looking at this question.
Um, and the first one I think we have to talk about is we have to challenge our definitions in our expectations of what, um, of what we’re saying blessed means.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: For, for starters.
Linda: Um, that’s really nice.
Bob: Yeah. Like, cuz it’s so easy to overlook and to miss all the blessings that we have in our lives (be a blessing to others, too!). When we just focus on the one thing and, and we all know this, but it’s like, this is a reminder that we have to start with and then we’ll kind of get to the other things.
But this is so critically important. Uh, because like once I had that revelation that there is no circumstance or place. I could go to, or um, no material possession I could acquire. There’s nothing, none of those things that I could do, uh, and not have the opportunity to be grumpy. In the midst of it.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: And ungrateful in the midst of it. And I, and I remember somebody telling this story of how they were on this dream vacation and it was like everything they had dreamed about for decades and on this like perfect vacation. And we’re just in a terrible mood because something happened (turn your bad day into a better one!). And it’s like, it’s so easy.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: For us to lose sight of cuz one tiny little thing, whatever the, your, your bag got lost on the flight or something like that. And it’s like, yes, that’s a, that’s a problem. That’s not good. But at the end of the day, like you are on your dream vacation (see how we travel for free in the US). You’ve been wanting this for decades.
Linda: Right.
Bob: And now it’s been ruined because one thing happened.
Linda: No, you’re letting it get ruined.
Bob: Yeah. That’s my point.
Linda: That really is the thing’s.
Bob: That’s my point.
Linda: Yeah.
Asking the right questions
Linda: And I, a couple years ago we heard a message, I can’t even remember the guy’s name, who. Uh, spoke it, but he said he was talking about worship and when we go to worship God, he said, most people come out of worship and they ask the question, what did I get out of it?
You know, they go, they go to church and they’re like, well, what did I get out of that worship, you know, music? And he said, you’re asking the wrong question. The question you should be asking is, did I enter in? So did I come and enter into worshiping the, the Lord, the creator of the universe?
Bob: Yeah.
Linda: And then all of a sudden changes it, doesn’t it?
Bob: Yeah, absolutely.
Linda: Where it takes it from, what am I getting out of this experience? And it, it turns it into, what can I put into this experience?
Bob: Yeah.
Linda: What can I give?
Bob: Yeah.
Linda: And I just heard Sarah from My Two Cents yesterday was talking about. You know how there’s so many Christians that are wanting to build wealth, which I think is, it’s, there’s nothing wrong with it, right?
But they’re, they focus so much on that, that they’re not asking the question, am I honoring the Lord with my finances?
Bob: Yeah.
Linda: And I think this is, this can be another one of those things, you know, where it’s like we’re so focused on, well, what are the blessings I’m trying to get? Instead of, am I honoring God? Am I doing what? He’s asking me to do with the, the resources that He’s given me.
Bob: Yeah. Yeah.
Linda: And I think just switching that question oftentimes re-frames it in our head to where we see things in a totally different light.
Bob: Yeah.
Linda: You know?
Redefining: blessed
Bob: Yeah. Yeah. So, So anyway, so kind of pulling back here, I think it’s, uh, critically important that we reevaluate the definition of blessed.
And, um, and it, and it’s not based on what is going on with our neighbors, it’s not based on, uh, our expectations even. You know?
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: The things that we wanted, like we can be blessed without getting all the things we wanted.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: We can be blessed without the circumstances being exactly the way that we’d like. And, um, you know, and we’ve talked about this a lot, but the fact is, is that if you’re listening to this, like you are most likely in the top 5%, probably top 1% of wealthiest people in the world, um. Last I checked, I think it’s about $44,000 or something annual salary in the US puts you in the top 1%.
Linda: Wow.
Bob: You are one percenter.
Linda: Uh, that’s astounding.
Bob: And so, and I just like that. I like that reminder. I. Just because when I feel like, man, my, this friend’s doing this, this friend’s doing this, and I can’t. Like, it just suddenly just puts things in perspective. It’s like, oh, it’s just, cuz I’m around rich people all the time, like, we’re all rich. Like this is what it comes down to.
Linda: So rich, we have a house for our car.
Bob: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And, um, anyway, yeah, so that’s where we gotta start. I think that’s just the important question to kind of ask.
Is it you, or is it timing?
Bob: Um, next on this list is, I think there are times when we are doing the right thing, um, but it’s just not the right timing with God.
And so, for example, I remember, um, being stuck in a job that I did not particularly like. In fact, I would’ve said I hated it. And, uh, And having a long season of praying and feeling very unfulfilled and unblessed in my work. I didn’t feel like I was blessed. I honestly just felt like I’m working hard and getting nowhere and I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing here and praying for years.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: To get outta that situation. And God was doing something in me in that. And, uh, but the point is I wasn’t, I don’t think I was doing anything wrong. Because all those years I kept on like asking myself, am I doing something wrong? What am I missing? What am I missing?
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: And um, and looking back on it like that, that season ended and transitioned to a really big season of blessing.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: Um, but I don’t think I was doing anything wrong in that season. Um, and we’ve had times in our financial life where I think we were doing everything right.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: And yet it felt like…
Linda: Why is this so hard?
Bob: We’re asking that question like, are we doing something wrong?
Linda: Are we missing something?
Seed time & harvest
Bob: And which I don’t think is a bad question to ask. I think it’s a good question to ask because you might be like, we, we might be, and there have been times when we were, but, but there have been plenty of seasons where we weren’t doing anything wrong, where we were, we’re doing exactly the right thing.
Uh, and yet, the harvest hadn’t caught up with us, us yet, you know?
Linda: Right.
Bob: So we were planting seeds and the seed time, uh, time is not when you harvest.
Linda: Right.
Bob: Like planting seeds. It requires them to germinate and to sprout and to produce fruit and all that before you can harvest again (lessons you can learn from the garden). And so in those seasons, uh, there are times of seed time, and this is why the Bible says where we seed time and harvest.
So two separate occasions and two separate things. And that’s, um, how God kind of created things to work together. And so, so anyway, so that’s in my encouragement, if you’re listening to this like, and you feel like you’re asking that question, am I doing something wrong?
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: Because I see my neighbor, I see my brother-in-law, I see all these other people where it’s like, man, things just seem to be going well for them. Seem to be going easier for them. Whatever the thing is, um, it’s just important to, um, to keep that in mind. Right?
Linda: Yeah. Yeah, for sure. And I mean, like you said, like ask that question. The question. It’s a good one to ask.
Bob: Yeah.
Linda: And I mean, even spend time like journaling and reflecting and asking other people, if you, if you can see that there’s, if they, they can see something that you’re, you’re just not seeing, you know?
Bob: Yeah. No, and that’s really good.
Linda: That’s not always the thing.
Bob: Yeah.
Wise counsel vs. the noise
Bob: But I mean, I think most important is asking God. Because one of the dangerous things. Is, you know, this is why you have to be discerning about who you’re taking advice from.
Linda: Right.
Bob: Uh, and hearing from is that there will be people who will tell, yeah, you’re doing this wrong and this wrong and this wrong. And tell you keep…
Linda: Or the opposite.
Bob: Keep you on a, um, hamster wheel of… Yeah. Or the opposite.
Linda: Or the opposite. No, you’re not doing anything wrong.
Bob: Yeah. If you were just doing this, then it’d be better if you were just doing this, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Linda: Right.
Bob: And that’s why it’s so important we hear from God on that. Um, or you know, some wise counsel.
Linda: Right.
Bob: Um, And then Yes, of course. Like you say in the opposite where you have friends who just wanna tell you, oh yeah, you’re doing great, you’re doing fine. You’re whatever.
Linda: Yeah. But they’re not actually helping you at all. They’re just…
Bob: They’re not being honest, like they’re…
Linda: Not being honest to spot something that should be changed, you know?
Embracing the ups and downs
Bob: But Right. But it is important to remember that, um, adversity is not a sign of a lack of blessing. And, and I think in many cases it actually means that we’re on the right path.
Uh, you know, and again, like I haven’t been a Christian… you know, what is it? Probably, I guess going on probably 25 years or something, like really walking with the Lord and it’s been long enough for me to see the seasons where there’s this cycle of going through wilderness periods and challenging periods and then it ends and then there’s a season of…
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: Man, it feels like blessing. It feels like wind is at our back. Um, and we’ve been through a few different cycles of these.
Linda: Yes.
Bob: Where there’s been this up and down and, and once you understand it, that’s a pattern. Uh, for those…
Linda: To walk through.
Bob: Stick through, you know?
Bob: Yeah. You know, this is why Galatians 6:9 or whatever it says, don’t grow weary in well-doing for a due time. You’ll reap. If you faint not. You know?
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: And so there’s something about not growing weary and welling well-doing, continuing to do the right thing even when it’s hard. You, when don’t feel like it, even when it feels like there’s no fruit there.
Um, but it’s important to remember adversity is not a sign of a lack of blessing. Because again, you look at Jesus’ life, you look at Paul the Apostle, right? You look at some of the most, um…
Linda: I mean, look at David.
Bob: Yeah. I mean, or, or Joseph. I just heard somebody talking about Joseph the other day and was saying, you know, if Joseph would’ve had… (this is part of whoever was speaking I saw this on Instagram) the guy was saying that, If God had revealed to Joseph the full plan, like Joseph would be like, I’m out. I don’t wanna go sit in prison. How long was he in prison? Wasn’t it? Was it 17 years, years or something like?
Linda: Yeah, it was like years insane.
Bob: Insane. Uh, and…
Linda: I don’t think those prisons were as nice as what we have now.
Bob: You don’t think?
Linda: No. I mean, Daniel and the going into the lions den, like he didn’t know what was gonna happen on the other side.
Bob: Yeah. Yeah. We have a story we get to see, know what’s gonna happen.
Linda: Yeah. Or the fiery furnace like the, this happened over and over and over again where it was like, you, you, you’re doing the right thing and you are getting just, yeah. What seems like you’re getting annihilated for it, you know?
Bob: Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Linda: What are you thinking about?
Bob: Oh, hey Rita. Hey, Bob and Linda… Murray.
Linda: No, Murray. He’s saying, “Hey, Bob and Linda, Murray here.”
Bob: Well, I, I was hoping that your name, your, your name is Bob Murray and your wife’s, anyway, whatever. It’s not gonna happen, but um…
Linda: It’s not gonna happen. Yeah. Okay. What’s the next, what’s our next one?
It is important to remember…
Bob: Um, yeah, other point here, and we touched on this a little bit, is just that remembering that God is at work in all of it.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: Whether we are making a mistake and that’s why we’re not where we should be.
Linda: Right.
Bob: Um, or whether we’re doing everything perfect, like God is working through it all. And, um, Romans 8:28 I think is a great verse to stand on in this context.
Like, um, God works all things together for our good, you know, called according to His purpose…
Linda: For the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Yeah.
Bob: Yeah. So when we know that we can understand that He can even make our mistakes to prosper.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: And He can even reorient our mistakes to get us where we need to be.
Linda: Right.
Bob: Uh, and that’s so encouraging because man, I’ve made some. And it’s really nice that it doesn’t like, um, disqualify me. You know what I mean? Like, isn’t that so good?
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: That we don’t have to be perfect.
Linda: Yes.
Bob: And that doesn’t mean that we’re disqualified from the race and that God’s doing something.
Linda: Absolutely. That’s actually the only thing that qualifies us.
Bob: Yeah.
Linda: Because if we could do it in our own strength, then we wouldn’t need Him at all. You know?
Bob: Yeah.
We all need encouragement
Bob: So anyway, uh, this whole little podcast today is really just, um, to share a little bit of encouragement, um, for those of us who have felt like that.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: We, we both have, we both ask those questions a whole lot.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: And, um, And I think what it comes back to is there’s a, yeah, there’s a piece that we need, there’s a part that we need to play and we need to do our part.
One of the things I come back to a lot of times somebody gave me this advice years ago is that when you don’t know what to do, just keep doing the last thing they feel like God told you to do.
And um, and I’ve come back to that a lot because there have been seasons. It’s like, God, I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do. And uh, and part of that is trusting that He’s going to reveal at the right time what that next step is and what that thing is for you to do (just like when I felt His prompt to start giving our age as a percentage).
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: Uh, which requires man, a lot of faith sometimes just to not have clarity on what to do next.
Linda: Yeah. And not to do something.
Bob: Yeah.
Linda: To take it in your own hands.
Bob: So anyway.
Linda: Yeah.
Our prayer for you
Bob: Do you wanna pray? Why don’t you pray for everybody listening.
Linda: Yeah. Also. Hi Rob. Um, okay.
Lord, we just thank you. Um. That you hear us when we pray. You’ve told us in The Word that you hear us when we pray. And so for anyone who might be wrestling with these questions, God, I just pray that you would reveal yourself to them in a new way. That you would give them the answers that they’re looking for, that you would encourage them, that you would give them scripture, um, that people would come and, uh, give wisdom and insight to them.
Bob: Yeah.
Linda: That maybe they’ve been needing. But we thank you, God, that you have the answer and that, um, you never leave us and you never forsake us. So if we know that you hear us, we know that you’re with us, then we know we can get through any of these situations that we walk through. Um, and I just pray for endurance and encouragement and, um, ultimately your will to be done in each and every one of our lives. In Jesus name.
Bob: Amen. All right.
In closing
Bob: So anyway, um, So with all that, yeah. Go to God, take this. Spend a little time praying. Ask for wisdom. If you don’t know what to do, keep doing the last thing you feel like He led you to do.
Linda: Yep.
Bob: And default to wisdom. Okay. Um, if you don’t know what financial wisdom looks like, keep listening to the podcast. Get our book, Simple Money, Rich Life. That’s a great place to start. Join in one of our courses.
Linda: You listen to it (on the SeedTime Money Podcast).
Bob: Yeah. Um. And we’ll do everything we can do to help you tap into that financial wisdom as well as um, really just get your, get oriented and lined up with God. In how He wants you to, um, proceed. Whatever the financial thing is. Right?
Linda: Yep.
Bob: So anyway, um, thanks all for hanging out today and um, we’ll see you next Thursday at 1:00 PM Central.
Linda: Yep.
Bob: Audios.
Linda: See ya.