Here are 7 different choices of free printable budgeting worksheets. Download the worksheet that works best for you…
The Blog
Bible Verses about the Love of Money
How many times have you heard that “money is the root of all evil”? I can’t even keep track anymore. The truth is that isn’t in the Bible. It is a misquoting of one of the most powerful Bible verses about the love of money. 1 Tim 6:10 actually says: “For the love of money […]
The Seesaw Principle
To get the most out of this lesson, I recommend watching the video here, but for the Cliffs-notes version you can just continue reading below… The one simple principle that changed my life forever And you probably have already heard it, just like I had for years. But it wasn’t until I finally “got it” […]
The 14 best money tools & apps I personally use
This page is the Cliffnotes version of all the best financial tools I have discovered as a professional money blogger over the last 15 years. This means that you can save hundreds of hours of research and trial and error and get the shortcut to the best stuff out there. No joke, I opened 34 […]
4 Financial Lessons from Solomon (The Richest Man Ever)
The Bible says that Solomon was the richest man who ever lived and also the wisest ever to live (1 Kings 4:31). I think that makes him qualified to give some financial advice
When you don’t see results from tithing
For all the encouraging tithing testimonies that I hear from readers, I occasionally get people emailing or commenting something like this: “Tithing didn’t work for me” “I tithed for a while, but didn’t see results” “I quit tithing because I didn’t notice any change” I have wanted to write this article for a while addressing this, […]
25 Top Ways To Save Money (that work fast)
25 ways to save money by not doing what “normal” people do. A lot of money can be saved by thinking “outside the box.”
5 Money Lessons for your Kids
I recently chatted with Art Rainer and we talked about how we can teach our children about money. It was a great conversation with some simple takeaways that I hope you enjoy! You can watch the video or read the transcription below! [mv_video key=”ss7nnaruk84gg3unzjnj” volume=”70″ sticky=”false” ratio=””] Bob Lotich: Hey everybody, I have Art Rainer […]