Life is so stressful and I’m always looking for ways to minimize the stress in my life. One of the ways stress can be reduced is to simply make life easier. But, how? We would all love to find ways to make our life easier, right? What if I said that there are some AMAZING “life […]
The Blog
11 Steps To Starting A Small Business Online
These were the steps I took to start my online business and they will vary depending on the type of business you are wanting to start. Hopefully they will give you some ideas of some things you need to keep in mind as you progress!
6 Legal Ways to Get Help Paying Student Loans
College is expensive. There’s no denying it. According to The Institute for College Access & Success, 69% of students graduating from public and non-profit colleges in 2014 had some form of student loan debt. The average amount? $28,950. That’s a sobering thought. Paying off that kind of debt isn’t easy, but it is possible. And what […]
Free Spreadsheet To Get Your Financial Life On One Page
Being impacted by my uncle’s premature death and wanting to do everything I can do to help my wife, I decided to create a system for keeping things organized. It has been a work in progress over the last few years, but has evolved into a very helpful tool…
Fun & Easy Way To Memorize Bible Verses (Step-By-Step)
In my high school years, I gave up sports for a different activity — Bible Quiz. For those who have never heard of Bible Quiz, it’s an activity in the AG churches that brings together youth to quiz them on different books of the Bible each year. Yes, it sounds dorky, but we ended up memorizing over 2,000 verses that sharpened our minds and strengthened our faith!
9 Reasons Paying Off Debt was one of the Best Decisions I Ever Made
It has now been a few years since my wife and I paid off all of our non-mortgage debt, but the benefits still remain. It is absolutely one of the best decisions I ever made and I can’t help but wish that everyone I know could experience some of the joys of having all of […]
What Does The Bible Say About Debt? (The Surprising Truth)
Before you begin your journey to get out of debt, it is important to know what the Bible says about debt. You can then use these truths to build your faith since faith comes by hearing the word. Once you have a solid understanding of what God has to say about the issue, then you can boldly pray about your debt in faith.
10 ways to become poor
These are some simple ways to become poor… 1. Spend more than you make – Actually if you only do #1, you won’t have to worry about the other 9. This is the easiest way for anyone to become poor. It doesn’t matter if you make millions or hundreds each month, the same principle applies.