Imagining your college kid with a credit card could lead you to many sleepless nights. Spending out of control, over limit fees, and ruined credit — it’s enough to give a parent nightmares. With that in mind, what I”m about to write might surprise you. Your college kid might just need a credit card. Three […]
The Blog
How Much Money Are You Wasting by NOT Refinancing Your Student Loans?
The average student owes $35,051. If you owe student loan debt in this range or higher, you may be wasting money by not refinancing. Whether or not you can benefit by refinancing your student loans will depend upon the interest rate that you are paying on your current loans. Private source student loans usually carry […]
4 Steps You Should Never Skip When Buying a Used Car
Buying a used car is definitely the best way to get the most car for your money. Used cars depreciate much more slowly than new cars. However, purchasing a used car can be stressful. Did the previous owners take care of the car? Has it been in a wreck? Are there any recalls on the […]
5 Things Wealthy People Do Differently
When it comes to the wealthy, there’s often a belief that they’re rich because they were born into money. While that’s certainly true for many, it isn’t the case across the board. Many of the wealthy have had to work their way up to being rich and to do so they’ve had to adopt a different set of habits from most other people.
25+ Free Things You Never Knew You Could Get For Free
Have you ever searched for what you can get for free? I’m not talking about anything unsubstantial. What if I told you, that you could get something of more value for free? Well you can! Just recently I had been on a quest of sorts to find what I can get for free. I was […]
How to Budget When You And Your Spouse Don’t Agree
Note from Bob: I just want to welcome our new writer, Lynnae. She’s been writing about personal finance and money management longer than I have and has some great wisdom to share. Please join me in welcoming her to the SeedTime team! Setting a budget is one of the first steps in gaining control of […]
What to Do if You Can’t Pay Your Taxes
April 15 will be here before we know it. For those of us who owe taxes, that date comes too soon each year. If you’re someone who owes taxes this year, hopefully you don’t owe that much. But what if you do? What if you owe so much that you can’t pay your taxes by […]
Minimalism: The Myths and the Life-Changing Benefits
[mv_video key=”s9lktkiurm6ndt0u7nay” volume=”70″ sticky=”false” ratio=””] I recently did an interview with Joshua Becker who is a former pastor and a widely respected thought-leader in the minimalist movement. He has a great blog and has written several books teaching his theory of practical minimalism. Below are just a few things that we cover in this interview […]