You have seen those percentage budget plans which deftly tell you what percentage of your budget you should spend on which categories. Yes, they are a good guide, but you need to beware that giving too much credence to those percentages could get you in trouble. For example . . . .
The Blog
What is Gross vs. Net Income?
Quickly, how would you would answer this question: “What’s your income?” Everyone should understand the difference between gross and net income and why both numbers are important in your financial life.
How to Calculate Your Real Hourly Wage
Have you ever calculated your real hourly wage? You might be surprised! Once you find it out, you can use that information to make some adjustments in your personal and financial life that will result in real change.
How to Get Health Insurance With No Job
Admittedly, getting health insurance with no job is a stretch. Why? Because no job implies no income, and health insurance companies aren’t in the business of giving away free coverage. However, there are instances when jobless people can get free or very inexpensive coverage. Also, alternatives to “normal” health insurance can sometimes save big time on “normal” premiums. Let’s explore some of these options.
A New Baby Checklist – What You’ll Need!
Are you welcoming a new baby to your family? If you are, there are a few things you’re going to need, and it’s best that you get as many of them before the baby arrives as you can. Life happens very quickly when a baby comes along, and advanced preparation is truly a virtue.
What Does the Bible Say About Worrying About Money?
Should you be worrying about money? And does the Bible give practical tips for overcoming worry? Worry has many affects on your health and situation, so how do you get rid of it? In this post, I won’t claim to give the totality of Biblical counsel on this topic, but I do promise that the following passages will help.
What Are the Average Community College Tuition Costs? (It Might Shock You)
A few months ago, my 17-year old son was accepted into a fairly rigorous technical college that focuses on mechanics. I was happy for him, but at the same time, knew the tuition to attend the school would not be cheap. When the recruiter tallied up the costs associated with going to through the program — my wife and I were a bit shocked.
Stewardship in the Bible
What is stewardship and how should it affect what we do with our money, time, resources, etc.? What does it really mean to be a “good steward”?