If your credit score has fallen recently, due to a missed payment or two, or perhaps you have too much credit outstanding, there are some simple ways you can improve on your credit score that will get it back on the right track. Doing a combination of several of these could see your credit score rise significantly in just the next few months — and that goes for your credit score at each credit repository.
The Blog
Betterment: The simplest way to start investing today
Investing can be a challenging part of money management. Whether you’re trying to learn the basics of stock investing, or invest in mutual funds, it can be confusing to understand important concepts of risk and return. Betterment is a personal investing account that aims to make investing and saving simple for people and they do a nice job of it.
Is the Dollar Going to Collapse?
An annual budget deficit of over $1 trillion, annual trade deficit in the neighborhood of $728 billion, an official national debt of $16.7 trillion, and unfunded liabilities of $123 trillion. How much longer can we continue to carry such enormous liabilities with such low income? Will the dollar collapse under the weight of so much debt?
Can You Get Cheaper Car Insurance Rates if You Drive Less?
You are probably trying to save as much money as you can on various utilities, food and everyday goods. But are you overlooking your insurance policies? You can save money on those, too! Here’s how you can save money on your car insurance, for instance.
Can You Live on a Single Income?
If your household has always survived on at least two paychecks, the thought of living on a single income can be intimidating. It’s tough enough to live on two incomes — but one? It’s actually doable, but it can require a radical plan of action.
5 Things Teens Should Do with Their Money
Our nine-year-old doesn’t have a regular income, so we haven’t required him to meet any financial responsibilities. But our teens are a different story . . . .
5 Reasons Why People Don’t Save For Retirement
Have you ever wondered why you don’t save more for retirement? Or why others who you know don’t? If saving for retirement is so important, why don’t we do more of it, or even do it at all? I’ve come up with a handful of reasons, and all have to do with either personal attitude and preferences, or with life circumstances. Sometimes we just have to overcome ourselves, and other times we face circumstances that limit our efforts.
Why Did Jesus Drive the Money Changers From the Temple?
“When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.” (John 2:13-15 NIV) What does this mean for us today? Why did Jesus drive them out?