(The following is a transcription from a video I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors.) One of the questions I get a lot is, “Should I tithe while I’m paying off my debt?” This is a great question that is not easy to answer. In help with answering this, I want to bring in […]
Money Bible Scriptures
The Bible actually has a whole lot to say about money. Did you know there are actually over 2,000 scriptures that talk about finances?
Here are some of our recommended articles to give a Biblical perspective about money...
- 5 bible verses about money every Christian should know
- Why God's way takes longer
- Tithing in the New Testament
- 7 Scriptures on the Wise Use Of Money
- Encouraging Bible Verses
- Can you fit through the eye of a needle?
- Should a Christian be in debt?
- Would Jesus have an emergency fund?
- Financial lessons from Solomon
- What the Bible says about Debt
- Trusting God
- Stewardship: What is it?
- Parable of the Talents
- 5 lessons from the garden about fruit bearing
- 4 Ways to handle money God's way
- 10 Things Christians Should Do with their Money
For more, just keep on scrolling...
37 Bible Verses About Money And Finances
(The following is a transcription from a video I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors.) Finances. No matter who we are, what we do, or where we come from, money is a major subject in one’s life. How will I earn money? What are the ways I can save money? Where and when should […]
The Lie I Wish I Would Have Never Believed About Money
(The following is a transcription from a video Linda and I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors.) There’s a lie that most of the world believes. And it’s that BIG things are born BIG. That The Beatles were always an amazing rock band, or that Michael Jordan was always a great basketball player, or […]
What does the Bible say about greed?
The Bible is full of instructions from God about money and finances. And of course, we want to look to the Bible first as we consider the financial blueprint that God has outlined for us. One aspect to consider is what the Bible says about greed. The dictionary defines greed as “a selfish and excessive […]
3 Surprising Things Jesus Said About Money
(The following is a transcription from a video I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors.) Before we begin, I want to give a hat tip to crosswalk.com. That’s where I found the inspiration for this article. Click to view their original article. If you’re new to the SeedTime Family, welcome! What we do here […]
Being Satisfied With What We Have
How does the phrase “be satisfied with what you have” strike you? I confess that it bothers me. I might be a pretty content guy, but the idea of being satisfied with what I have implies that I shouldn’t be hoping for more . . . a nicer house or a more dependable car or […]
Why marriage is the best financial move [with Chuck Bentley]
I recently sat down with Chuck Bentley, CEO of Crown Financial, to chat and he shared some great advice on marriage and finances. You can watch the video or read the full transcription below. Bob Lotich: Hey everybody, I am excited today because I have Chuck Bentley here, the CEO of Crown Financial, which is […]
10 Money Tips For Graduates
I keep checking my mailbox to get an invitation to speak at a school graduation, but alas, the invitation never came. Therefore, I’m going to share 10 tips I wish I had when I graduated (high school and college). 1. When given the choice to learn from your own mistakes or the mistakes of others . . .