In case you don’t know or need a refresher, cash envelope budgeting involves using envelopes to manage money. An envelope is created for each of your budget categories such as food, clothes, entertainment, transportation, etc. After you receive a paycheck you fund each individual envelope (or budget category) the cash allotted to it for the month…
Whats the best personal finance software?
These are about 15 of the best personal finance software options… Which is your favorite?
6 tips for a debt free Christmas
Why after every Christmas are most people looking at huge credit card bills wondering, “Where did all that money go?” It is no different than any other area of our lives, if we don’t have a leash on it – it will be out of our control. Think of your money like your neighbor’s dog
Budgeting Software: 13 Great Free Budget Software Tools
Over 15 free budgeting tools… Some of these budgeting tools are online applications, some are downloadable software, some are for Windows, some are for Mac and Linux, some of them may have lots of bells and whistles, and some may be overly simplified. I suggest you dig through and see if what works for your budget. Every person is different, therefore every budget will be different. It may take some time to find what fits you best, but it is out there and if it isn’t create it and let me know about it!
10 tips for a better budget
Make a better budget! These are my ten tips to build and keep a better budget.
Budgeting is like baking cookies
For some reason the word “budget” has an interesting effect on most people causing them to cringe in pain more than the thought of going to the dentist. It really shouldn’t be as painful as people make it seem. If done correctly, it should give you MORE freedom to get what you want. If you think of a budget as a plan “that takes away all the fun” or eliminates your ability to get things you want, then you are doing it wrong.
How I organize my bank accounts
This article explains how I organize my bank accounts…If there is one thing that I have learned about personal finances, it is that nothing is one-size-fits-all. There are different tools, methods, products, and investments that work for different people at different phases of their lives. My system that I am currently using to manage my accounts and cashflow, did not work for me 5 years ago, but…
How to budget with Capital One 360 (Formerly ING Direct)
Want to know how to budget? Well, ING Direct is my favorite budget tool. Here are the steps how I budget with ING Direct. You could probably use this same technique at other banks, but I will show you why it is more beneficial at ING Direct.