(The following is a transcription from a video Linda and I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors.) We had a reader, one of our readers, one of our really smart readers reached out and sent me an email of how she generates $175 a month using her credit cards. She earns less than $500 […]
Debt Help
10 Money Tips For Graduates
I keep checking my mailbox to get an invitation to speak at a school graduation, but alas, the invitation never came. Therefore, I’m going to share 10 tips I wish I had when I graduated (high school and college). 1. When given the choice to learn from your own mistakes or the mistakes of others . . .
Free Debt Snowball Spreadsheet
Creating a debt snowball is my preferred method of getting out of debt. When Linda and I were paying off $46k of debt, we actually didn’t use a debt snowball spreadsheet or worksheet, but looking back I think it really could have helped us. If you are wanting to pay off debt on your own, […]
How to Calculate Your Net Worth & Why You Should
While I think few would argue that paying off debts is a good thing, there is a better way to accurately see the big picture of your finances. It is called your NET WORTH. And no it is not just a number that rich people talk about at cocktail parties. It is what financially savvy people use to track their progress.
5 Student Loan Forgiveness Programs (for Nurses, Teachers, Military, and Others)
Lately, I have been talking to a lot of folks who are heavily burdened by their student loan debts – some of whom have over $100,000 in student loan debt. And while I believe, according to scripture, we are to pay back our debts, if they are forgiven by the lender then we are off […]
The Seesaw Principle
To get the most out of this lesson, I recommend watching the video here, but for the Cliffs-notes version you can just continue reading below… The one simple principle that changed my life forever And you probably have already heard it, just like I had for years. But it wasn’t until I finally “got it” […]
How to get out of credit card debt (on your own)
12 years ago, Linda and I confronted our debt and decided that we were going to pay off our credit card debt on our own (and fast if at all possible). We were determined to make the sacrifices necessary to eliminate it as quickly as possible. We had $46k in total debt (though not all […]
How Cars Affect your Financial Freedom
I had a revelation about cars that has caused me to not really care what mine looks like. It’s not that I don’t want a really fast car, it is just that there is something I want a bit more: financial freedom.