Imagining your college kid with a credit card could lead you to many sleepless nights. Spending out of control, over limit fees, and ruined credit — it’s enough to give a parent nightmares. With that in mind, what I”m about to write might surprise you. Your college kid might just need a credit card. Three […]
Managing Money
5 Things Wealthy People Do Differently
When it comes to the wealthy, there’s often a belief that they’re rich because they were born into money. While that’s certainly true for many, it isn’t the case across the board. Many of the wealthy have had to work their way up to being rich and to do so they’ve had to adopt a different set of habits from most other people.
What to Do if You Can’t Pay Your Taxes
April 15 will be here before we know it. For those of us who owe taxes, that date comes too soon each year. If you’re someone who owes taxes this year, hopefully you don’t owe that much. But what if you do? What if you owe so much that you can’t pay your taxes by […]
Money & Marriage: 7 lessons I have learned so far
These are the 7 lessons about money and marriage that I have learned so far…
4 Free Ways to Do Your Taxes on Your Phone
Are you ready to start working on your 2012 state and federal tax returns? There’s an app for that! Actually, there are several free ways to do your taxes on your tablet or smartphone. Suddenly, tax time just got a little less taxing — and maybe even a little more fun.
7 Ways to Control Your Spending
Spending must be a conscious activity What do I mean by that? Have you ever said the following at the end of the week or month: “Where on earth did my money go?” I know that I’ve said that! The idea behind conscious spending is to break the habit of spending whenever you ‘feel’ like […]
Christian View of Insurance: Is it Biblical?
Many people choose self-insurance or go without insurance while others take on too much insurance. During downtimes, insurance can be a financial lifesaver. But is it wise and godly to protect against illness, death, accident, or theft?
The Problem With Tithing Your Time
The argument I hear about tithing time sounds logical: “I just can’t afford it. Every penny is spent before the month begins. Wouldn’t God understand if I were to tithe my time instead of my money?” While I don’t believe this is a black-and-white issue, I do see some problems with this mindset.