In case you don’t know or need a refresher, cash envelope budgeting involves using envelopes to manage money. An envelope is created for each of your budget categories such as food, clothes, entertainment, transportation, etc. After you receive a paycheck you fund each individual envelope (or budget category) the cash allotted to it for the month…
Money Management
Is Bankruptcy Ever Okay for a Christian?
With many people still struggling to find work, bankruptcy filings continue to grow. More than 500,000 people have filed so far this year, according to the National Bankruptcy Research Center. That’s up 17 percent from last year at this time. While bankruptcy’s stigma has weakened in recent years, it is still an especially troubling topic […]
Which IRA Should You Invest In?
So you’re saving money for retirement, or thinking about opening an account – that’s great! But should you open a Roth IRA or Traditional IRA? The question inevitably comes up – Which Type of IRA Should I Invest In?
It’s a good question, and there are advantages and disadvantages of both the Traditional IRA and the Roth…
Be A Blessing | 10 Creative Ways To Give
I am a missionary, and my family is supported by the generous contributions given to our ministry. When you’re fundraising, it is nice to know some generous Christians with the means to give. That is why I was touched when I read the following words:“When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices; when the wicked…
Advantages Of A Living Trust vs. A Will
Over the past 15 years as a financial planner, I am often asked, “should I have a will or a trust?” I sure wished every prospective client would ask this question because this would reveal they were planning ahead. The sad fact remains that less than half of adults have a will, let alone a trust…
Resources and Ways to Cut Your Debt Load
The series/eBook basically takes you through all the things that my wife (Linda) and I have done to pay down our debts. When we got married we had about $40,000 of debt. Even though that was a sizeable amount of debt, we had a very strong desire to get rid of it. This intense desire drove us to make sacrifices that seemed pretty uncommon when we looked at those around us. But, as Dave Ramsey often says, “You have to live like no one else (now), so that you can live like no one else (in the future)”…
Debt reduction strategy
Do you have a plan to tackle your debt? It doesn’t necessarily need to be long and drawn out, but everyone should have some sort of debt reduction strategy if they want to get out of debt…
Why spending money wisely is a life-skill
It is incredibly important to start spending money wisely…