My Medi-Share review below was originally written in 2009 when I was investigating them but has been continually updated (now for 2024) as I‘ve been using them for over 10 years. Hope it helps! If you are self-employed like me or are just looking for a Christian health insurance alternative, you may just want to […]
ways to save money
10 Free Household Budget Spreadsheets
Someone asked me to share my favorite free household or personal budgeting spreadsheets… Each one of these budgeting templates are free… If you use OpenOffice (basically a free version of Microsoft Office)…
8 Amazon Savings Hacks
My frequent Amazon purchases had me wondering, “How can I save money when shopping on Amazon?” So, I have put together my top 8 Amazon savings strategies that I have found to be quite useful in saving money. And, I know these hacks will save you some money too! If you would need any further […]
25 Top Ways To Save Money (that work fast)
25 ways to save money by not doing what “normal” people do. A lot of money can be saved by thinking “outside the box.”
7 Ways to Go to College for Free
Tuition. Fees. Books. It all adds up! College can be ridiculously expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. Don’t accept the idea that you’re going to pay an arm and a leg for college. You can go to college for free.
How I Broke Free From The Rat Race (in less than 2 years)
A little over a year ago I ventured out into self-employment after spending much of the previous decade in the “Rat Race”. For most of that time I was a glorified pencil-pusher in the corporate abyss of a Fortune 500 company.
Now that I have spent over a year working for myself I can’t imagine doing anything else. For as trapped and held down as I felt before, I feel the opposite extreme of the joy of freedom. Just to be clear, self-employment has it’s own challenges and difficulties, but I honestly think they pale in comparison to what I went through while spinning my wheels in the Rat Race.
20 Frugal Date Ideas for Valentine’s Day
Since these days so many people are looking for cheap date ideas that are actually fun, I decided to create a little list of a few…
9 Homemade Christmas Gifts That Might Actually Get Used
Let’s be honest, we have all received some homemade Christmas gifts that never saw the light of day again – sometimes they are well intentioned and so we might not care that our peppermint-scented ruler holder won’t get too much use. The thought and love behind it makes up for it’s lack of usefulness…