Yes, Godliness with Contentment can be achieved! I’ve researched scripture to find some of the key Bible Verses about Contentment. Let’s take a look further into what the Bible says… Psalm 23:1The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Ecclesiastes 5:10Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with […]
Passive income vs NONpassive income [and 7 ways I earn passively]
I remember thinking, “You mean you can actually do work one time and get paid over and over again?” And as someone who knew nothing other than working for an hourly rate, earning passive income was a truly fascinating idea. It was 10 years ago, and it was the first time I was presented with […]
The Step-by-Step Guide to Clean and Repair your Credit Report
The following article was written by our CFP® friend Neal Frankle. He is the chief editor of Nobody’s perfect. You aren’t and neither am I. But neither are the credit bureaus who compile your credit history or the creditors who report to those bureaus. If you have some splotches on your credit report the […]
How To Manage Bills With A Bill Payment Schedule (Free Download)
Why not implement the same type of planning to the paying of your bills? Rather than sporadically paying them as they come in, or checking a pile on your desk every few days, you should be able to designate 2 days a month to pay your bills…
Bible Verses about saving money
When it comes to money and the Bible, several topics are discussed. I was on a mission to find Bible Verses about saving money to share with you. There were many scriptures discussing saving, but I listed the ones I need to remember! Proverbs 21:5 The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, but […]
How I Broke Free From The Rat Race (in less than 2 years)
A little over a year ago I ventured out into self-employment after spending much of the previous decade in the “Rat Race”. For most of that time I was a glorified pencil-pusher in the corporate abyss of a Fortune 500 company.
Now that I have spent over a year working for myself I can’t imagine doing anything else. For as trapped and held down as I felt before, I feel the opposite extreme of the joy of freedom. Just to be clear, self-employment has it’s own challenges and difficulties, but I honestly think they pale in comparison to what I went through while spinning my wheels in the Rat Race.
How To Set Up A Budget With Inconsistent Income
The fact is, it is more difficult to set up a budget when you never know how much you are going to make each month – but it still can (and in my opinion) should definitely be done. I happen to think it is far more important for those with irregular income to set up a budget because of the quick damage that can be caused if you don’t…
Christian Budgeting – Bible Verses about Budgeting
Do you have a household budget? Everyone needs to have a budget. From experience, budgeting allows freedom. When you tell your money where to go, I’ve found that I actually have more money. Instead of wasting money on daily insignificant wants, I can afford my goals of bigger wants! The Bible also discusses the need […]