Today we discuss a biblical formula for paying off debt miraculously fast.
While the idea of a biblical formula may seem odd, we explore a passage from 2 Kings 4 that reveals the key to unlocking supernatural financial miracles.
Throughout this article, you will be inspired by real-life examples of ordinary people turning their seemingly insignificant skills into extraordinary opportunities.
And we will discuss why It is crucial for you to shut the door to the naysayers in your life, as there is power in surrounding yourself with the right people in your debt-free journey!
Also, did you know that there is a secret behind leveraging what’s already in your house to make a dent in your debt? Or, there’s a simple question from the Bible can transform your financial situation? Because, there is!
Now before we get into all the details, we recorded our discussion on our SeedTime Money Podcast YouTube channel:
(The following is an abbreviated transcription from a video Linda and I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors.)
A Biblical formula for paying off debt miraculously fast
Bob: Today we’re talking about a biblical formula for paying off debt miraculously fast. And that’s pretty a, uh, it’s a, I don’t know.
Linda: It’s a tall order.
Bob: It’s a slightly cheesy title. Like I, I don’t know, I just kind of threw it in there.
Linda: Hey, Wilma!
Bob: But, and I do wanna address this a little bit cuz it’s like the idea of a biblical formula. Well, yeah, I think rubs. It rubs me the wrong way. You know, like where I think of…
Linda: Thanks KG!
Bob: Because in so many ways, like I, I believe God can’t be reduced to a formula. But at the same time, like there are things, there’s a lot of “do this and this will happen.” I mean, if you look a lot of Proverbs, like in some ways it’s just kind of a simple formula.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: And so what we’re talking about today is kind of a little bit of what we think is a formula that we’ve identified. Uh, kind of out of this one passage of scripture.
Linda: Yeah I mean I’ve been, you know, we talked about this at the beginning of the year, how I’ve been reading Proverbs. You guys are killing it with the comments too by the way! Keep them coming.
Bob: Thank you all… Evelyn, Wendy, Justin, T. Lopez, Lakeisha, Lopez, KG, Wilma… Thank you all for saying hi and coming to hang with us today!
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: Anyway, so you’ve been reading Proverbs.
Linda: I’ve been reading Proverbs.
Bob: Like a boss.
Linda: And I didn’t realize that it’s very much like if you do this, then this.
Bob: Yeah.
Linda: If you do this, then this.
Bob: You know, A plus B equals C.
Linda: Yeah. I mean it’s really, so there are formulas in the Bible, which is surprising cuz I feel like, you know, we often talk about, oh, don’t put God in a box. But at the same time He realizes that we need boxes.
Bob: Yeah.
Linda: Our brains need boxes. It helps us keep things organized.I mean, don’t even get me started on God’s not limited by time or space. What does that even mean? It’s so, it’s too much for my brain to handle, you know?
Bob: I know, right?
Linda: And so I think He was kind to us in the way that he’s like, they, they need some help (check out our managing money God’s way devotional).
Bob: So, um, yeah, we wanna talk about this.
Linda: Yeah.
Second Kings Four
Bob: All right. So we’re gonna start by reading a little passage out of 2 Kings 4. Uh, one through seven. Uh, you might have heard this story before. You wanna read it?
Linda: Yes, 2 Kings 4:1-7. Okay. One day… are you fixing things? Am I all right?
Bob: I’m gonna borrow some water.
Linda: You’re gonna borrow it or you taking it?
Bob: Whatever.
Linda: Okay… “one day a widow of a member of the group of prophets came to Elisha” Okay, s-h-a, “and cried out my husband who served you is dead, and you know how he feared the Lord. But now a creditor has come threatening to take my two sons as slaves. What can I do to help you? Elisha said. Tell me what, uh, what do you have in the house? Nothing at all except a flask of olive oil. She replied and Elijah said,”
Bob: Elisha.
Linda: Elisha, sorry. “Borrow as many empty jars as you can from friends and neighbors. Then go to your house with your sons and shut the door behind you. Pour olive oil from your flask into the jars. Setting each one aside, uh, when it’s filled.
So she did as he told, or as she was told, her sons kept bringing her jars and she filled one after another. Soon every container was full to the brim. Bring me another jar. She said to one of her sons, there aren’t anymore, he told her. And then the olive oil stopped flowing. Ooh. When she told the man of God what had happened, he said to her, now, sell the olive oil and pay your debts and you and your sons can live on what is left over.”
Bob: There’s so much in here.
Linda: So much and so it’s such a short little, it’s seven verses, you know?
What do you have?
Bob: Yeah. We’re gonna try to, uh, just pull a little about, extract a little bit here. But if you have debt that you’re trying to get paid off, I wanna start by asking you the same thing that Elisha asked. The widow.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: What do you have in your house?
Linda: Yes.
Bob: Okay.
Linda: Yeah. Cuz she went to him looking at him to solve her problem.
Bob: Yeah.
Linda: And he said, Hmm, how can I help you? And then he took it back and said, wait, what do you have in your house?
Bob: Yeah.
Linda: Which I think it’s so good.
Bob: Yeah. Cuz she said, I have nothing but a flask of oil. Um, that wasn’t anywhere close to being able to pay off her debts.
Linda: Right.
Bob: Like that wasn’t, it was…
Linda: It wasn’t enough.
Bob: That was laughable. It’s like there’s no, that’s and not anywhere close. But when she took, which she had that little natural piece.
Linda: Yep.
Bob: Um, and then sought the Lord like God gave her the strategy to see the supernatural and the miracle.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: But it started with her answering the question of what was in her house. And not dismissing that small little thing that was too insignificant.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: In the natural, but that God could use in a supernatural way. So I’ll put it to you another way, just kind of thinking about this a different way.
What do you have that God and bless and multiply even though in the natural it’s not enough?
Bob: What do you have that God can bless and multiply even though in the natural it’s not enough?
Linda: It’s a good question to ask.
Bob: Okay. And so maybe this is something, you know, that literally that you actually have around the house (you can make money decluttering!). Maybe it’s like a camera or it’s a guitar or you, or… what You don’t like my hand in front of your face?
So maybe it’s a camera, guitar, maybe it is, uh, your oven, maybe it’s a laptop.
Linda: Right.
Bob: Where any one of these things you’re like, well, I can take some pictures, but I’m not the world’s best photographer. Or I can play guitar, but I’ve never made any money playing guitar.
The example: Dude Perfect
Linda: I mean, I think if you look at like, Dude Perfect.
Bob: Yes.
Linda: It’s like that is the biggest joke and yet they have turned it into a career.
Bob: An empire.
Linda: An empire. I mean, it’s amazing and it, you know, it seems like something that’s like, are you serious? All I can do is make trick shots and I have patience enough…
Bob: For anybody who doesn’t know.
Linda: Okay, yeah yeah.
Bob: Let them know. So for anybody who doesn’t know our, our son or sons plural I guess, love this show. And basically it started out as a YouTube channel where these guys are just making crazy trick shots and so like bouncing the basketball off of their roof into the net and weird stuff like that.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: And it just kind of expanded to the point where they’re just doing crazy stuff. But the point is…
Linda: Yeah, they’re like going on tour.
Bob: Yeah. Like they, they have a national tour.
Linda: What do you do on tour is what I wanna know.
Bob: But the point is like they looked at what was in their hands.
Linda: Right. And it’s fascinating.
Bob: Could ever imagined that that could come out of that?
Linda: Oh my gosh.
Bob: And it’s so similar in this, this story here where the woman has just a little bit of oil in her flask and yet God is able to do so much more with it. And which I think a lot of those guys are believers for what it’s worth.
Linda: I love that even more.
Bob: And anyway, so that’s the question. Like what…
Linda: Do you know them? Let’s get them on the podcast.
Bob: Yeah, that’d be fun.
Linda: That’d be fun.
The Point
Bob: Um, So anyway, like is it a physical object that you have in your thing? Or maybe it is some of your time, you know, cuz you might not have 40 hours a week to go pick up another job or whatever. But do you have two hours?
Linda: Right.
Bob: Like, and again, like it’s easy to look at that and say, that’s never gonna be enough to make a dent in the mountain of debt that I have (and money doesn’t solve money problems!).
Linda: Sure. When I need to be working 40 hours a week or more. You know?
Bob: Yeah. But like, that’s not the point. It’s the point isn’t to look at it and say, it’s too small. It’s never gonna be enough. It’s to look at it and say, this is what I have. This is what’s in my house. This is what I have in my hand, and what can my supernatural God do with it? Right?
Linda: Mm-hmm.
Bob: Like that’s what we’re after, you know?
David used what he had and what he already knew
Linda: Yeah, and I mean, you, you do see this all throughout the Bible. I mean, this is a great example. You look at David, who you know, he was. They, well, Samuel said, bring me all of your sons.
Bob: Yep.
Linda: And they were, they didn’t even think to call David.
Bob: They didn’t even call that runt.
Linda: They didn’t even call him. They were like, no, it’s not gonna be him, so don’t worry about it. You know, and you know, Samuel gets through and he’s like, this isn’t, this, isn’t it? You got anybody else? You sure there’s nobody else, you know?
Bob: Sure you didn’t forget one of your sons?
The loaves and the fishes
Linda: Yeah. The loaves and fishes is another just classic example where it’s like, are you kidding me? You brought me a kid’s lunch. Thanks a lot. You know, there wasn’t any of that. Jesus was like, we can work with this.
Bob: Yeah.
Linda: You know? And yeah. It’s just fascinating to see how when we bring the little that we have, he’s kind of like, You know, real excited to see what He can for us to see what He can do with it.
Don’t “reason your way” through something
Bob: Yeah. And I know that I’ve been guilty of this cuz it’s so easy in our human natural minds to do this. Like, but she could have, you know, this widow could have like, um, Just reasoned her way through this. And just like, uh, reasoned that this is never going to be enough.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: And so what’s the point in even trying, you know?
Linda: Yeah.
We have to let God do His part
Bob: But, but like I said, that like that’s God’s job and we have to let Him do his part. And not get in the way of that.
Linda: Yeah.
The stick
Bob: And this reminds me of that verse in Exodus 4:2. Um, Where the Lord asked Moses the same thing, he’s like, what’s in your hand? Yeah. And again, like what is the thing that you have, you know, that Rod or that that staff, wasn’t that what he used? And He said, said, point that at the water, the Red Sea?
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: Like that’s not enough, but God can use that stick. And didn’t He have him turn it into his snake and stuff?
Linda: Oh yeah. All kinds of stuff.
Bob: But the point is, is like he had a stick. And God asked him, what’s in your hand? And he used it, you know, so.
Shut the door behind you
Linda: Yeah. Well, I, when we were just reading this, I pulled out another thought that I had in there, which he said, go into your house. Did Elisha say this? I think he did. He, he told her, go into your house with your sons. Get all the vessels you can. Go into your house. And shut the door behind you.
Bob: What do you think that’s about?
Linda: I mean, I think there’s a, a few different things we can pull from that. One is, I think the idea of just being in the secret place with God. And then I think the other thing is, don’t let anyone else in there to discourage you the entire way.
Bob: Well, Jesus did that when um…
Linda: Oh yeah.
Bob: And that girl, He made everybody leave.
Linda: He made everybody leave. They’re all mourning. And He said, get out.
Bob: Wasn’t John in there or something?
Linda: Yeah. And He told everybody else to get out and they’re like, excuse you.Excuse you, Jesus. Who do you think you are? And He was like, you have to get out. Yeah. You are making this worse, you know?
Bob: Yep. Yeah. Your lack of faith, your unbelief.
Surround yourself with those who encourage you
Linda: Yeah. But there, he, she did have two companions with her, two people to help her along the way. And I think there’s something really powerful there in making sure the people that you’re around are helping you push you forward.
Bob: Yep. That’s great.
Linda: They’re helping make sure that um, you are looking to God and not just looking at the circumstances. Cuz I can imagine as a woman, especially back then, That she would’ve been like, I want my friends to come in here with me.
Bob: Yep.
Linda: Uh, you know, that’s just a, a, a thing that women did. Like, they were like all in the kitchen together type of thing. Right. So I would imagine that that would’ve been natural for her to invite a friend in. And instead he, instead he told her, go into your home with your two sons only and shut the door behind you.
Bob: Yeah.
Linda: Don’t let anyone else in.
Bob: That’s good.
Linda: So, yeah, I think there’s something really powerful there.
Don’t get too few
Bob: Yeah. So, I mean, yeah. So some other things I think are worth pulling out of this. Like Elisha told her to get some jars and don’t get too few.
Linda: Oh, yes.
Bob: Like, that’s significant. Like do you, do you want to feel like you wanna run with this? I mean…
Linda: Yeah. I mean, I, I think if I were her, I would’ve only gotten one, cuz that would’ve been like, I know exactly what’s in there. I know what’s in there and he said, don’t get too few. And I think a different translation says get as many as you can.
Bob: Yeah.
Act in faith
Linda: So they just kept getting more and more and more. Which is an act of faith.
Bob: Yeah.
Linda: You know?
Bob: Yeah, no, absolutely. Like that’s what I think is so powerful about it. I mean that, that he specifically warned her, I mean, I think it was a warning, don’t get too few, you know? Because your faith…
Linda: But can you imagine how nosey those neighbors would’ve been?
Bob: Oh yeah.
Linda: What are you doing with all these jars? What do you need all this for?
Your faith determines your output
Bob: Yeah, that’s my best jar. Like, you know, and but like her faith ultimately determined like the output.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: Because once the jars ran out, the oil stopped flowing. And so… that’s crazy.
Linda: Yes. So there’s that other, uh, 2 King’s 13:18 where it’s, see, and I should have read this before we got on here, but.
Bob: Do you wanna pull that?
Linda: Sure. Why not? Yeah. Okay, you talked this while I get this.
Bob: But there’s something about that, that, that aspect of like, she could have had way more like if she would’ve gotten more jars.
Linda: That’s interesting.
Bob: And, and it was enough, like she did get enough that, um, it said that, um, her and Elisha and her son were all able to eat.
Expand your vision
Bob: Um, but, but what would’ve happened if she got 10 more jars? That, that’s the thing that I wonder about. And I, I always want to be in a position with God where I’m not limiting Him by my small expectations and that I continue to expand my vision to what it is that He is capable of doing and what He might wanna do. You know?
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: You find that verse yet?
Linda: Yes.
What can God really do if we obey?
Bob: So the 2 Kings 13, um, you’re gonna read some of that right?
Linda: Let’s see. Okay.
Bob: So this is Elisha again.
Linda: This is Elisha again. So he tells King Jehoahaz of Israel. Um, he says, okay, “go get a bow and some arrows. And the king did as he was told, Elisha said to him, put your hand on the bow.
And Elisha laid his own hands on the King’s hands. Then he commanded, uh, open the eastern window and so he did.” Wait, this is not the same one wrong passage!
Bob: Wrong passage. Anyway.
Linda: Dang it. Okay. Well, all right, let’s everyone rewind quick. There’s a story in the Bible where I think it is Elisha or Elijah, where he says, Strike the ground with an arrow.
Bob: Yeah.
Linda: And so the king strikes the ground three times and he goes, oh man, if you would’ve struck the ground…
Bob: Was it five times or something?
Linda: Five times, you would’ve defeated your enemies. But instead you struck the ground only three times. So you’ll beat them three times and you won’t beat them anymore than that. Then they’re gonna defeat you, start defeating you.
What do you really believe is possible?
Linda: And just this idea of, um, what are we… like really believing God for?
Bob: What are we expecting?
Linda: What do we really believe is possible? What do we really think He can do? And I think if we get more of that, like get a better understanding of what He wants to do in our lives, what he’s capable of doing, you know, then I think we would be a lot more enthusiastic about the small thing that we have in our hands.
And just praying those bold prayers of faith of like, Lord, I, I have nothing. Help me, help me make this into something. Um, Yeah, I just think it’s really powerful.
Bob: Yeah.
Linda: But also the obedience factor too, cuz she did have to do what Elisha told her to do. You know?
Bob: Yeah I know.
Linda: It seemed like a ridiculous thing to do.
Bob: Yeah. And again, where she wouldn’t have done it?
Linda: Feels like this is a theme that just keeps coming up over and over and over again of like, we had a student… we were doing, uh, TFF (True Financial Freedom course) in person a couple weeks ago. And, um, we were kind of talking about this idea and this guy goes, this idea sucks. You know, like when God gives you those ideas that you’re like, no expert, whatever, tell you to do this?
It is, it seems like a really bad idea. It seems like this will never work. Why are you putting me out by making me go collect all these jars from people who are just gonna ask me questions when I can pour about two tablespoons of olive oil, you know?
Bob: Yep, yep.
Linda: It’s like, it doesn’t make any sense, but yet the obedience of her just following through and saying, okay, I’ll, I’ll just do it. I’ll do what He says, and then seeing that miracle come to pass before her own eyes.
Bob: Yeah. That’s cool.
Linda: It’s amazing.
Bob: So anyway, uh, looks like Claude just found the passage for you.
Linda: Claude. Thank you!
Bob: There you go. For anybody wants to see it.
Linda: I apologize for not having that fully ready for you guys. What’s TFF? Oh, Cece.
True Financial Freedom
Bob: TFF is our True Financial Freedom class. It’s our six week class, of which this is a small section of one of the weeks.
Linda: Mm-hmm. We talked about this story.
Bob: Um, and so it’s a class that we’ve been doing for, um, For a while, I, we created it for our church and long story short, we’re recording it now, adapting it cuz we have…
Linda: Which is why the mess is going on behind us.
Bob: Yes. Um, but we keep having churches reach out who are using it. And so we’re polishing it up and creating a recorded version rather than zoom replays that we currently have. Um, Because it’s just been, it’s, people have just been drawing on it.
Linda: Hey. But I mean, what’s so cool is like that was what we had in our hands.
Bob: Yeah, exactly.
Linda: Was the Zoom recordings.
Bob: Exactly.
Linda: And that was something that you, um, you fought Dylan. Dylan is someone who works with us and I, we had been doing. True financial freedom live over Zoom. And at one point I just said, Bob, I’m overloaded. There’s a lot of stuff going on with the kids. I don’t think I can do this again for a little bit. And so Dylan said, let’s just play the recordings.
Bob: Yeah. Let’s just make the recordings available for sale.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: So rather than us doing it live, let’s just make it available.
Linda: Yes.
Bob: And I’m like, it’s just a Zoom recording, like, you know, and I know the content’s really good, bu the production isn’t amazing. Because it’s a Zoom recording, you know?
Linda: Yeah. But this was what we had in our hands.
Bob: But yeah. But that’s what it was. And since we’ve done that, we’ve had many, many hundreds of people go through it, and we’ve now had numerous churches who are like wanting to use it in their own churches.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: And so we’re like, all right, well we’re gonna keep refining this and keep opening the doors for more and more churches and small groups to use it. So, Um, so yeah, so anyway, so that’s what that is. That’s TFF.
Linda: Mm-hmm.
Bob: I’m sorry we went by the, uh, insider’s acronym on all this, but um.
Linda: Yeah, I’m sorry about that.
Bring God into your financial goals
Bob: But anyway, so kind of like putting a bow on this, tying this back together a little bit. Uh, if you are in this position, and I’m assuming if you’re listening, this is you, like you have some debt, you wanna get paid off, or you have some significant financial goal.
Like prayerfully, like this week, like, ask God this question, um, or answer this question for Him. Like, you know, what’s in your hand? What’s in your house?
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: Whatever that is. And see where God leads and be open to whatever that thing is because yeah, it very well, I can almost guarantee it’s gonna feel like it’s not enough.
It’s gonna feel like, eh, that idea, I mean, that’s, that can’t be anything. That’s ever gonna turn into anything.
Linda: Yeah.
We started with a blog
Bob: I mean, honestly, the, the story of how we’re here, like, was that with a blog?
Linda: Absolutely. That’s what I was just thinking too.
Bob: I started a blog in 2007 and um, I never in a million years thought that…
Linda: That would be a full-time income?
Bob: It’s just amazing. It’s absolutely amazing. And even when we got laid off, or even when I got laid off after working on this blog for about a year.
Linda: We didn’t get laid off. You got laid off.
Bob: I got laid off.
Linda: Just kidding.
Bob: Um, uh, yeah. And so after working on that blog for about a year, it was making a hundred dollars a month. And then I got laid off and then God…
Linda: And we were both like, uh…
Bob: And then God said like, I felt like God led me to working on this blog full-time. Instead of going to find another job. I’m like, this is, this is not enough, Lord. This is enough teaspoon of oil. Like, this is not going, this doesn’t make sense. Like, like you’re not paying attention. Like this is not good enough.
Linda: Your hand is like slapping them in the face too.
Bob: I know I’m a hand talker, but anyway.
Linda: Use your other hand.
Bob: It was that situation where it just felt like this is never gonna be enough.
Linda: It’s never gonna be enough.
Bob: But yet God did what He did and, and it was, and in a very short time.
Bob: It was more than enough. You know, cup was overflowing.
Linda: Fascinating.
Bob: So anyway.
Linda: This is as close to a formula as we can get. Right?
Bob: Yeah. I mean, and, and I think the simplicity of it is just listen and obey, like Yeah. And, uh, and in that I think there’s some really cool things that we can see.
Bob: Um, so let’s pray and then I’ll give you a little practical tool that you can run with if you want, um, if you are paying off debt. So I’ll pray for everyone right now, all of us (grab our Prayer Starters PDF). So, yeah, let’s pray…
God, we just thank you for each and every person here live with us, and those listening to the recording later on. Um, and God, we are endeavoring to live a life of debt freedom. Um, and stay out of that. Uh, you know, I, I tend to believe that you get excited when people pay off debt and break out of that bondage. Jesus came to set us free from one type of bondage and really, I think a whole bunch of different types (cast your financial worries on Him!). And so I don’t think you’re. Interested in your, your, your, uh, children being tied up.
In the knots of debt and all that. So, so I just thank you that you are helping each one of us individually move forward out of that debt and get it paid off. And I pray that we, we take to heart what this story is trying to teach us. And the lessons that are available here and, um, And really get ahold of them.
And tap into them and, and lean into this question that you might be asking us. Like, what do we have in our house? What is in our hand that we can utilize, that we can take That is not enough that you can do the miraculous with. And I pray that each one of us would get ahold of that individually and what that looks like for us in our worlds. And we thank you for it in Jesus name. Amen.”
You didn’t just save me once
Linda: Amen. Yeah. And I, I wanted to, While you were praying, I was thinking about this thing. Um, I heard someone talking one time about worship. They were, they, she said, I was just worshiping the Lord as my savior. And as she was, as she was doing this, she was getting this revelation of… you didn’t just save me once.
Bob: Yeah.
Linda: Like it, it wasn’t just the salvation experience of now I’m not going to hell, I’m going to heaven. It is a continual…
Bob: Yeah, that’s good.
Linda: Uh, saving that He is doing. He, he’s saved me once. He’s saving me now. And He is going to continue to save me. And I think about, there have been so many times when, you know, uh, yeah, just saving me from car accidents.
I can think of three, honestly off the top of my head where I’m like, man, He saved me and He continues to save me. And I think when we can really get a revelation that He continues to save us, but also wants to save us.
Bob: Yep.
Linda: Then we can bring Him some of these problems and go, God, I need you to save me again. And he’s like, I’ve been waiting for you to ask.
Bob: Yes.
Linda: I am wait, I’m waiting and ready. So yeah. I love that.
Bob: That’s good.
Linda: He is our savior.
The key to paying off multiple debts
Bob: Yeah. All right. So real quick, if you are in the process of paying off multiple debts, um, the, without getting, you know, going too long on all this, the long story short is the debt snowball approach is the most effective way of doing this.
And that for anybody doesn’t know, it’s basically taking your smallest debt that you have. So if you have five credit cards and one of them is a $50 balance and the other are $500,000 balances, you pay off the $50 balance first.
And the reason why it doesn’t matter what the interest rate is, doesn’t matter if that’s your highest interest rate or your lowest interest rate. The reason why that’s so good is because it gives you momentum.
It’s the same thing why all the, um, you know, um, so many guys in the, um, I’m sorry, armed forces make their bed every day. Because it’s one small victory that sets your momentum for the day. And it makes a difference. And so there have been studies that have proven that this is the most effective way, um, to actually, uh, tackle debt.
Um, so anyway, so that, with that in mind, um, we created a debt snowball sheet that you can use a worksheet. We had somebody kind of build this out, a real like, uh, Excel nerd, like build the whole thing out. I couldn’t figure it out, but he did. And so we have that. If you are interested, you just go to: SeedTime.com/snowball.
Linda: Um, and this was a spreadsheet you could go, this was, this was a spreadsheet you couldn’t create on your own. Wow.
Bob: It’s kind of, it’s kind of complicated and tricky and, um, I can do like pretty basic sheets, but this gets into some nerdiness that I’m not strong enough with.
Linda: That’s awesome. I’m glad you did that though.
Bob: So, yeah, so we, we had to create, and you can go grab a copy of that over there if you are paying off, um, if you have one debt and doesn’t really matter. But if you have multiples and you wanna know what order and how much you should pay to each each month, like this will help you do that. Um, so anyway, you can check that out.
But, uh, Sorry, what were we doing over here?
Questions from the chat
Linda: Well, I was just gonna, um, answer some questions real quick.
Bob: Oh, Dan, um, thank you for the kind words about the book (Simple Money, Rich Life). Appreciate that.
Oh, okay. Oh, fun fact too. Um, if you aren’t aware, and you might be aware cuz we sent an email about this yesterday, but just type this in.
Gift card giveaway
Bob: We are in the process. We are in the middle of a $2,000 Amazon gift card giveaway. And so, uh, if you haven’t entered that in. Um, or entered in to win that, um, we’d love to have you in that. And the way that you enter to win that giveaway is by doing one of two things. It’s either buying a copy of our book, Simple Money, Rich Life.
You can give it as a gift to someone else. You can buy yourself one. Um, or it is, um, just telling publicly about the book. Something you liked about it. So you can go on Instagram, post a story talking about it, or feed post, or you can go on Twitter and say something. Or you can write a blog post review.
You can leave a review on Amazon. Doesn’t really matter. Whatever you do, just send an email to: [email protected] letting her know what you did, uh, and um, send a screenshot or whatever.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: And then we’ll get you entered into that. Um, but we’re gonna be giving away a $2,000 Amazon gift card, um, in about, a little over a month. Um, and so we would love to send that to you. Um, but that’s how you get entered.
Linda: Yeah.
This episode’s scripture
Bob: Uh, so question that keeps coming up. Something just popped up.
Linda: Fernando was asking the initial verses I read. And Cece replied that it was 2 Kings 4:1-7.
Bob: Yep.
Linda: It’s actually First Kings.
Bob: First Kings?
Linda: No, it is Second Kings. Nevermind.
Bob: It’s Fourth Kings. Fifth Kings.
Linda: I was like, let me clarify.
Funny parenting story
Bob: All right. Okay. You guys wanna hear something funny? We have a four year old and…
Linda: Oh yeah.
Bob: One of the things that is so funny is when he says things, he says, Kings.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: And so, um,
Linda: We have some friends that say, “Oliver say thing of things.” And he goes, “king of kings.”
Bob: Anyway.
Linda: It’s so cute.
Bob: Sorry. Anyway, that’s our, that’s our parenting obsession at the moment.
Linda: He, he is, he’s really cute. He’s really cute.
Worksheet clarification
Bob: Anyway, okay, so the worksheet worksheet, um, yeah. Worksheet SeedTime.com/snowball. All one word. Great.
And yes, Wendy, the books are a great graduation and wedding gifts.
Linda: Yes.
Bob: Um, we’re actually gonna be sending an email about that soon.
Linda: Yeah. We were just talking to someone who was in college a couple weeks ago and I was like, oh my gosh, if you get this now, your life is gonna be so good.
Bob: Do you know any college kids? Like this is the thing, if you can get this in your twenties, you know this. Any you listening…
Linda: It’s going to make your life so easy.
Bob: Who are, you know, 30 and beyond, like, you know what I’m talking about? It’s like, oh, just…
Linda: That is the sales pitch. This is going to make your life so easy. And then when you do get married, it’s gonna, your spouse is gonna love you so much more. Because you’re gonna be like, this is no problem, man. I got it figured out.
Bob: That’s it. Yep.
In closing
Bob: So anyway. Great hanging with y’all today. Yeah. And um, we will, we’re gonna continue this and keep coming back every Thursday. Um, at 1:00 PM Central, 2:00 PM Eastern, and do the live recording of our podcast cuz we’re just enjoying it.
Linda: Yeah.
Bob: And we love hanging out with you guys.
Linda: We love chatting with you. Thanks for being so, um, chatty today in the chat box.
Bob: Yes. All right. But we’ll see you next time.
Linda: All right. Bye.
Bob: All right. Bye everybody.