When borrowing money for college, students have two different types of federal student loans that they can access: subsidized and unsubsidized. What are the differences between these two types of loans? Which type of loan is more attractive for students?
The Blog
15 baby toys that you can make for free
Who said babies have to be expensive? I am due in a few weeks with baby #3 and let me tell you that I have learned that you don’t need most of the baby stuff that stores try to sell. Especially when it comes to toys. Babies tend to want to play with everything and […]
5 Free & Insanely Helpful Apps To Help You Get Control of Your Money
1. Personal Capital See all your accounts in one place with their award-winning software. Their free tools let you manage your entire financial life from one secure place – the one app to eliminate the rest of them. They have become the go-to app for managing your total financial picture. One of my favorite features is their fee-checker […]
20 ways to use worn out clothes that you’ve never thought of
Don’t throw away those worn out clothes, instead repurpose them! There are lots of ways to repurpose clothes and breathe new life into them. We have rounded up 20 creative ideas for your worn out clothes to get you inspired to repurpose what you already have just sitting in your closet, let’s DIY! Those stretched out […]
Christian View of Insurance: Is it Biblical?
Many people choose self-insurance or go without insurance while others take on too much insurance. During downtimes, insurance can be a financial lifesaver. But is it wise and godly to protect against illness, death, accident, or theft?
The Problem With Tithing Your Time
The argument I hear about tithing time sounds logical: “I just can’t afford it. Every penny is spent before the month begins. Wouldn’t God understand if I were to tithe my time instead of my money?” While I don’t believe this is a black-and-white issue, I do see some problems with this mindset.
Faith and Giving Lessons from C.S. Lewis
In his book, Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis explains an aspect of the Christian faith by comparing it to receiving and giving a gift.
How to finally get out of that job you hate and find work you love
Each one of us has unique giftings and skills that we have been given by our creator. The challenge sometimes is figuring out how to get them in line with our careers. In my case I feel like I stumbled around for many years in job to job doing things I was working really hard […]