It is obvious that overpaying for something isn’t a good idea, but with cars it is especially a bad idea. The reason is that cars are depreciating assets, so if you take a loan out for your purchase, you immediately enter into a race to pay the car loan down faster than the value drops. In my case with the convertible, I did a lot of things that ensured I was going to lose this race…
The Blog
Make Money Designing Logos
The newest income-generator that I found is for designers (or wanna-be’s). and a couple other similar sites allow buyers to post a project and how much they are willing to pay for it. Designers then create logos, design elements, or whatever it calls for and the best one wins. Basically it just puts the control back into the buyer’s hands by letting them choose from the multiple entries from various designers.
The top 20 Christian Financial websites
The top 20 Christian Financial websites…I wanted to create a list of websites that have helped me in my journey to understand how to manage money God’s way and that would help the ChristianPF readers as well. … It was difficult narrowing it down to 20, but I figured within these 20 sites you should be able to find everything you would want to about Christian finance.
Christian stock investing: How to be Biblically responsible
Have you ever wondered how to pick investments that line up with your beliefs? … In this interview with Mark from we discuss stock investing for Christians and how to be a Biblically responsible investor – whether you are in the stock market or not. … The fundamental reason that we should care about where our money goes Why it is so important that we know where our investment dollars are going Bible scriptures that indicate we do have a responsibility to invest with our consciences How to find stocks that line up with your beliefs Free resources to help Christians with Biblically responsible investing A few mutual funds that are available that are Biblically responsible funds Recommended funds for those interested in Biblically responsible investing Listen to the podcast below Christian Investing Podcast
Free and Legal TV and Movies online
I was going to name it something like “where to find free TV and Movies online,” but changed it to make sure I added “legal” in there. It turns out that a whole lot of what I was finding wasn’t legal. I saw a link on one site to “Marley and Me” and I thought to myself, “isn’t that still in the theaters?” Sure enough I was right, as the video started, I noticed that I could actually see the theater seats in the recording. I guess someone recorded it directly from the theater – I am going to assume that isn’t legal. 🙂
Tithing: Money back guarantee?
In it you find that this unconventional church puts their money where their mouth is — or more appropriately — God’s mouth 😉 . They challenge the congregation to tithe for three months and if at the end of the 3 months the participants are not convinced of God’s faithfulness, they can get a full refund of every dollar they have given, no questions asked.
Should you tithe while trying to get out of debt?
Being in debt and Tithing… I can’t even count how many readers have emailed me asking me about whether or not they should tithe while getting out of debt. Tithing is a fiercely debated topic (read comments on the post I wrote called Tithing in the New Testament for proof) as you would expect with anything that seems to not make sense. I still wonder in amazement at how so many of God’s principles are absolute foolishness to non-christians… I mean who in their right mind would give expecting to have more?
Free Franklin Planner templates
If you are like me and a little bit taken back by the high price of replacing the pages in your Franklin planner, I just found a great alternative. It does require a little bit of an upfront investment and some elbow grease, but it should pay for itself very quickly. ..What you need to create your own planner pages… Paper – probably a thin stock, to keep your planner from becoming too bulky…