Have you ever searched for what you can get for free? I’m not talking about anything unsubstantial. What if I told you, that you could get something of more value for free? Well you can! Just recently I had been on a quest of sorts to find what I can get for free. I was […]
Saving Money
Minimalism: The Myths and the Life-Changing Benefits
[mv_video key=”s9lktkiurm6ndt0u7nay” volume=”70″ sticky=”false” ratio=””] I recently did an interview with Joshua Becker who is a former pastor and a widely respected thought-leader in the minimalist movement. He has a great blog and has written several books teaching his theory of practical minimalism. Below are just a few things that we cover in this interview […]
Should you tithe on your tax refund?
I find that a lot of Christians (as soon as they finish filing their taxes) start wondering about whether on not they should tithe on their tax refund amount. This post was originally from our forums: Amatachick mentioned this in [another thread] but I thought it was worthy of it’s own thread: “So do you […]
How to quit spending more money than you make
So you want to learn how to quit spending more money than you make? Here are a few ideas that have helped me…
New Law on Bank Overdraft Fees & The “Courtesy” Overdraft Protection
Recently Consumer Reports released an article discussing the new Federal law pertaining to banks and their overdraft services. Not sure if the motivation for the new regulation was customers like the one above, but I think it is probably a good thing.
Believe it or not, that $35 fee that the bank charges you when you overdraw your account is actually a “service” that your bank is offering you. They care so much about your well being that they want you to be able to buy that Snickers bar without being told that you don’t have the money in your account. 😉 And then they charge you $35 when you spend 50 cents more than you have in your account…
4 Free Ways to Do Your Taxes on Your Phone
Are you ready to start working on your 2012 state and federal tax returns? There’s an app for that! Actually, there are several free ways to do your taxes on your tablet or smartphone. Suddenly, tax time just got a little less taxing — and maybe even a little more fun.
30 Cheap DIY Christmas Decorations
One of my goals this Christmas is to have a handmade Christmas! Have you ever had a handmade Christmas? Do you make something handmade every Christmas? To me, it is just so special to display items you have made yourself. Plus, by making your own decor, finished products tend to be of better quality and easier on […]
34 Things You Didn’t Know About Me
Well, I had a buddy put up a post like this and I liked it so much I thought I needed to do it as well. If you have been a long-time reader you may know some of these things, but surely not all. I am 34 years old and these are 34 random things […]