I keep checking my mailbox to get an invitation to speak at a school graduation, but alas, the invitation never came. Therefore, I’m going to share 10 tips I wish I had when I graduated (high school and college). 1. When given the choice to learn from your own mistakes or the mistakes of others . . .
8 Practical Ways to Love God More Than Money
I write this article as much to myself as to you: I fully realize how money will persistently and insidiously seek to capture a bigger and bigger portion of my heart and my life. I also know that drifting through life doesn’t work because I seldom drift closer to God.
My five favorite quotes from Warren Buffett
These are my thoughts about my five favorite quotes from Warren Buffett… “Do business with people you like and who share your objectives.”Isn’t there more to life than money? I have met people who I wouldn’t work with for a million dollars, haven’t you? People are people and you will never be completely insulated from people who bug you, but if you are hiring them or choosing to work with them, they might as well be people you enjoy being around.
Can Rich People Get to Heaven?
If I am going to write about rich people getting to heaven, we had better clarify what we mean by “rich”. Because most of us compare ourselves with neighbors or fellow workers or bank presidents or movie stars, we can agree that the “richness” is a relative trait. Right? In that case, by that standard, […]
Bible Verses about the Love of Money
How many times have you heard that “money is the root of all evil”? I can’t even keep track anymore. The truth is that isn’t in the Bible. It is a misquoting of one of the most powerful Bible verses about the love of money. 1 Tim 6:10 actually says: “For the love of money […]
The only credit card I use for my business
I wrote about why we use credit cards and all the ridiculous amount of free travel (hotels and flights) that we have gotten solely from credit card points. But this post is specifically about my favorite credit card of all-time for anyone who has a business and purchases advertising. So if you run ads on […]
Should Christians save for retirement?
Bible verses about retirement and resting: While the Bible doesn’t seem to have specific verses referring to retirement, it does point out the importance of rest. God, our creator, understands the value of rest and relaxation. That, of course, is why He created Sundays! To add to that… Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest. Mark 6:31
My New Favorite Money-Saving Strategy That You Aren’t Using
I just love finding new ways to save money. It is kind of an addiction really. 😉 And after spending years being a guinea pig with a lot of money-saving tips I created this 3-step process I used to help me save over 50% on almost all of my purchases. So today I just want […]