Let’s face it. If you live in America, you are rich. Sure, there are exceptions like those who can’t afford food or shelter, but generally speaking, if you compare yourself to others around the world, you are filthy rich…
Why You Should be Happy With What You Have
What do you need to make you happy? A nicer car? A better paying job? A bigger house? The newest cell phone? Now let me ask another question: do you truly believe that these things will give you long term happiness? My guess is that life has taught you that whatever mood boost you might receive won’t last. It never does. The moment you get the latest and greatest, the euphoria dissipates and you begin longing for something else. Am I right?
7 Proverbs That Will Make You Rich
Wait a minute, why would I want to be rich when the Bible says that it’s easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven? That’s a good question, and the topic of money and riches isn’t brushed over in the Bible . . .
Be A Blessing | 10 Creative Ways To Give
I am a missionary, and my family is supported by the generous contributions given to our ministry. When you’re fundraising, it is nice to know some generous Christians with the means to give. That is why I was touched when I read the following words:“When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices; when the wicked…
Why does God give wealth?
Why is it that God gives us wealth? Could it be that He gives it in order that we could help advance His Kingdom?
Fit a camel through the eye of a needle? [Bible Verse meaning]
Ah, you know the verse. It’s the one that people love to quote when they are trying to prove that Christians should be poor because it appears to be more righteous. Well, is it really? “For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Let’s look at the definition of “rich,” and see who qualifies.