So I recently got a new credit card and replaced my Sapphire Preferred that I have been using for over 5 years. You can watch this video for details of why I switched… Now their signup bonus is always changing, but regardless the 1.5% unlimited cashback with no annual fee still makes it a pretty […]
The Blog
15 Timeless Financial Quotes Worth Reading
Some people have the ability to squeeze a lot of meaning into a few words … words that anchor themselves in our minds and guide us, often when we are not expecting it. These meaningful snippets, over time, become oft quoted sayings. In this post, I will quote — and comment on — some very common and some not so common financial sayings.
My five favorite quotes from Warren Buffett
These are my thoughts about my five favorite quotes from Warren Buffett… “Do business with people you like and who share your objectives.”Isn’t there more to life than money? I have met people who I wouldn’t work with for a million dollars, haven’t you? People are people and you will never be completely insulated from people who bug you, but if you are hiring them or choosing to work with them, they might as well be people you enjoy being around.
I received a ransom email (and this is what I did)
Last Thursday I was having a really great day. I was getting important stuff done and feeling like I was making some good progress on the day’s goals. My parents were coming into town to visit with us for a few days and the weekend was nearing. And then I got the email. As I […]
Can Rich People Get to Heaven?
If I am going to write about rich people getting to heaven, we had better clarify what we mean by “rich”. Because most of us compare ourselves with neighbors or fellow workers or bank presidents or movie stars, we can agree that the “richness” is a relative trait. Right? In that case, by that standard, […]
My business is upside down. This is how I am handling it…
A couple weeks ago a very successful friend of mine (Jeff Goins) shared a post on Facebook about how his business was upside down. And how he was personally funding it to pay the team and cover all the expenses. It resonated with me deeply, because coming out of our Sabbatical Year last year, I […]
4 Money Habits To Start in Your 20s (that basically guarantee financial success)
This article is a call to all of you just out of high-school, just out of college, or in the newlywed phase. It really applies to any ages, but being in your 20s you have the opportunity to avoid so much financial heartache that so many of us “older” folks have gone through because we […]
5 Bible Verses about Money Every Christian Should Know
FREE PDF Download of the 5 Bible verses about money that you can print off. These are the 5 verses that have revolutionized my financial life. Each one of them has had a strong impact on many decisions in my life. I hope you allow them to impact you as well.