I did some digging to find some scriptures about business, because I want to do business the right way. So whether you are a business owner, an employee of a business, or just buy stuff from businesses (that covers just about all of us — right?) there is some wisdom to be received from these scriptures.
Money Bible Scriptures
The Bible actually has a whole lot to say about money. Did you know there are actually over 2,000 scriptures that talk about finances?
Here are some of our recommended articles to give a Biblical perspective about money...
- 5 bible verses about money every Christian should know
- Why God's way takes longer
- Tithing in the New Testament
- 7 Scriptures on the Wise Use Of Money
- Encouraging Bible Verses
- Can you fit through the eye of a needle?
- Should a Christian be in debt?
- Would Jesus have an emergency fund?
- Financial lessons from Solomon
- What the Bible says about Debt
- Trusting God
- Stewardship: What is it?
- Parable of the Talents
- 5 lessons from the garden about fruit bearing
- 4 Ways to handle money God's way
- 10 Things Christians Should Do with their Money
For more, just keep on scrolling...
What are Treasures In Heaven?
I often think about what Jesus might say regarding the American Dream. Would he want everyone to be a homeowner, everyone to have comfort and the security of a nice economy with nothing to worry about?
The 6 “R’s” of Christian Personal Finance: Important Biblical Principles
We want to honor God in all that we do. Honoring Him is, of course, commanded. The more we come to love God, though, the more it should be our desire to honor Him in all we do. That needs to be true in our financial lives as much as it is true in any other area of our lives.
Trust God, Not Circumstances
Trusting God in the midst of bad circumstances… I should be just as confident that things are going to work out when they look crazy as when everything looks fine and dandy. The opposite is true as well. Even though things look peaceful and calm, that is not an indication of security. Our security comes from God. It is not at all dependent on what is going on around us. Whether it is the economy, our finances, our children, our marriages, we can (and should) trust God with all of it.
What Does the Bible Say about Gambling?
Obviously, Americans spend an enormous amount of money gambling, yet the issue is always controversial. Whenever a new jurisdiction seeks to add gambling, there is always a controversy. Christians are often the most vocal opponents of these measures, which usually pass anyway . . . .
Should Christians Work on Sundays?
Let me start of by saying that I am a Christian and these are my views about Christians working on Sunday. My views probably don’t match up exactly with every person who reads this article, and that’s okay! I encourage you to discuss and share your thoughts on this article in a respectful way . . . .
Is the Dollar Going to Collapse?
An annual budget deficit of over $1 trillion, annual trade deficit in the neighborhood of $728 billion, an official national debt of $16.7 trillion, and unfunded liabilities of $123 trillion. How much longer can we continue to carry such enormous liabilities with such low income? Will the dollar collapse under the weight of so much debt?
Why Did Jesus Drive the Money Changers From the Temple?
“When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.” (John 2:13-15 NIV) What does this mean for us today? Why did Jesus drive them out?