As Christians, we never want to get into the legalistic practice of creating “to do lists” that we must follow in order to define ourselves as believers. But at the same time, there certain things every Christian should do every day in order to stay in faith. “But be doers of the word, and not […]
Money Bible Scriptures
The Bible actually has a whole lot to say about money. Did you know there are actually over 2,000 scriptures that talk about finances?
Here are some of our recommended articles to give a Biblical perspective about money...
- 5 bible verses about money every Christian should know
- Why God's way takes longer
- Tithing in the New Testament
- 7 Scriptures on the Wise Use Of Money
- Encouraging Bible Verses
- Can you fit through the eye of a needle?
- Should a Christian be in debt?
- Would Jesus have an emergency fund?
- Financial lessons from Solomon
- What the Bible says about Debt
- Trusting God
- Stewardship: What is it?
- Parable of the Talents
- 5 lessons from the garden about fruit bearing
- 4 Ways to handle money God's way
- 10 Things Christians Should Do with their Money
For more, just keep on scrolling...
11 Things To Never Forget – Even On Your Worst Day
There are bad days, and then there are really bad days, maybe even rising to the level of your worst day. We can probably separate worst days from bad days based on the impact that the day will have on your life. For example, on a bad day the damage is usually limited to today […]
4 Ways to Handle Money God’s Way
Ever feel like your life is stuck in fast-forward? From the moment our feet hit the floor in the morning, it seems like we never let up on life’s gas pedal . . . .
The Parable of the Sower: A New Perspective
It’s fascinating to read the parables of Jesus because there always seems to be something new that comes from it. That’s how I feel about the parable of the sower.
6 Inspiring & Generous Givers from History
Giving doesn’t always involve opening your wallet. Some of these unforgettable givers did indeed make amazing financial contributions to God’s Kingdom work, but others are amazing because they gave in other ways. Whatever the type of giving, I offer a “gentle challenge” for each, in hopes that you — like me — will become a better giver.
24 Bible Verses For Business Owners
I did some digging to find some scriptures about business, because I want to do business the right way. So whether you are a business owner, an employee of a business, or just buy stuff from businesses (that covers just about all of us — right?) there is some wisdom to be received from these scriptures.
What are Treasures In Heaven?
I often think about what Jesus might say regarding the American Dream. Would he want everyone to be a homeowner, everyone to have comfort and the security of a nice economy with nothing to worry about?
The 6 “R’s” of Christian Personal Finance: Important Biblical Principles
We want to honor God in all that we do. Honoring Him is, of course, commanded. The more we come to love God, though, the more it should be our desire to honor Him in all we do. That needs to be true in our financial lives as much as it is true in any other area of our lives.